While he was hanging on the cross, Jesus made several statements. These have often been the topic of HOLY WEEK sermons and services. Probably the most amazing statement he made was this, “FATHER, FORGIVE THEM. THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO” (Luke 23:34). How true that was! These executioners surely had no idea that the very deed they were carrying out was the very event which could enable God to forgive them and all other men. They didn’t know what they were doing! They were performing a sacrifice of the innocent for the guilty, the perfect for the sinful. They were paying sin its awful wage. They were fastening their very Creator onto an instrument of torture. Yet they were making it possible for every person to have eternal life in God’s glory. The blood they were shedding was coping with the very evil which caused them to shed blood! What a powerful paradox. No…they did not know what they were doing. As GOOD FRIDAY comes upon us, it brings to each of us this very question. Do YOU know what they did? Personally? Do YOU understand what took place? Have YOU trusted in that blood to cover your own sins? Recently I came across this song written by Ronnie Hinson. Read the words and ponder and rejoice during this holy week.
Now there is no sign of the crosses
But history records there were three
Two stood because of men’s broken laws
But the other one stood there for me
I didn’t know Peter or Judas
But I’ve known the shame of their crimes
I’m so glad Jesus did die in my stead
But the cross in the middle should have been mine
I never deserved the mercy
Or merited so much grace
And this unworthy man just can’t understand
Why that man of no wrong took my rightful place
And if you ever stop at Calvary
The blood isn’t all that you’ll find
For you’ll feel it too
Why I feel like I do
The cross in the middle should have been mine
I never heard the hammer
And I never felt the nails
I never saw when the angry mob
Cursed as the prisoners fell
And they never knew this old sinner
I’m of some other place and time
The choice was all his
But the truth was and is
The cross in the middle should have been mine