What to expect?

Expect to find a community. Lots of handshakes. Laughter and Love. You will see people pray with one another. Request a prayer or an update on lives. Communications from our missionaries. Meals for the sick. Community work projects. Fundraisers for needy families. You’ll notice that we are interested in one another and want to encourage each other toward spiritual victory, peace, and joy.
Expect to find contrasts. There are some church groups where it seems that everyone must look or think alike in order to be included. We are not like that! You will hear different styles of music and see different styles of dress. We are individuals with differing views about doctrines, Bible translations, social media, worship styles, etc. We feel very strongly that Christ gives us unity in diversity, and that we can cooperate and appreciate without getting hung up on disputable matters (Romans 14:1). Our goal is to provide an atmosphere where you can relax, learn, love, and be inspired while still being yourself. You won’t find a carnival atmosphere of chaos and clowns. But neither will you feel that you have to look or think according to some narrow profile to be accepted. We welcome you to come and see for yourself!